Creating a new project

New projects can be created on the Project Administration page.


  1. Click Administration > Projects from the LDMS menu bar.
  2. From the LDMS action menu, select Create Project.
    The Create Project window will open.

    Figure: The Create Project Window

  3. Enter the name of the project as you would like it to appear in menus throughout LDMS into the Name box.
  4. Enter a brief description of the project into the Description box.
    The description is generally used to provide the full name of the project, especially when the project is an acronym.
  5. Enter the name that you want to use for ID1 for the project into the ID1 Name box, and a brief description into the ID1 Description box. The format and acceptable values for ID1 may also be set.
    ID1 is typically used as an identifier for a participant. For other types of work, such as quality control testing, ID1 could also be something else, like a testing panel number.

    Figure: Enrollment Configuration

  6. Enter the name that you want to use for ID2 into the ID2 Name box, and a brief description into the ID2 Description box. The format and acceptable values for ID2 may also be set.
    ID2 is typically used for a study or protocol identifying number.

    Figure: Visit Configuration

  7. Enter the name that you want to use for ID3 into the ID3 Name box, and a brief description into the ID3 Description box. The format and acceptable values for ID3 may also be set.
    ID3 is typically used as a sub-study or sub-protocol identifying number.
  8. Click the Save button.


The new project will be added to the list of groups that you specified.