Terms used in LDMS

Specimen records are stored as a hierarchy of related participant, enrollment, and information. All of this information for a participant-project combination comprise a record in LDMS.

A specimen record in LDMS is the collection of specimen, study, and visit information for a specific participant.

Figure: Contents of a specimen record. The top of a specimen record represents the largest part, such as a clinical trials network; the right side of this image is an example of each item

Graphic: Illustrates parts of a specimen record from the top-down, with an example of each part of the record.
The organization that sponsors or conducts the study in which the participant is enrolled.
The person (or specimen source if the project doesn’t work with human samples) that is participating in a given project. If a person is participating in more than one project, they will be considered two different participants in each project. Participants cannot be linked across projects.
The protocol or study in which the participant is enrolled.
A specific event at which a primary specimen was collected from a participant.
primary specimen
The specimen that was collected from the participant, such as an unprocessed tube of blood
A specimen that was created by processing a primary specimen into a smaller specimen.

Each part of a specimen record is selected in sequence. For example, you must specify a project before enter participant information. Likewise, you must create the information for a visit event before you can add specimens that were drawn at that visit.