Release: LDMS for Windows 12.2
Frontier Science is pleased to announce the release of LDMS for Windows version 12.2. The focus of this release has been improving the Test Result Entry tool.
Release notes
Test Result Entry
- Added QA type of “first 50 only” to the Test Result Entry tool (R-25026)
- In the Test Result Entry tool, renamed “Allow IND” to “For POS and IND” (R-25037)
- Test Result Entry tool templates can now be renamed, even if the template has already been used (R-25075)
- Fixed issue where the Test Result Entry tool did not appropriately update if the Geenius Default Setting was changed from “3 Tests Required” to another option (R-25076)
- Added the TNP (Testing Not Possible) final result (only available in the Test Result Entry tool) (R-25124)
- When the new TNP final result is selected, QA Discrepancy will be set to ND and QA Report Date/Time will be available. (R-25125)
Other changes
- Changed processing instructions for specimens where other specimen ID is 122 to “all to chicago WIHS” on the WIHS Processing Log report (R-24859)
- Updated ID2 selection logic for PHIA participants using
as the country code (R-25036)