Release: LDMS for Windows 13.2.0
Frontier Science is pleased to announce the release of LDMS version 13.2.0. Below is a full list of changes for this release.
Full Release Notes
New Features:
- In Data Retrieval, users can now set up criteria for “NULL” or missing values (e.g. “Frozen Time= “”) (R-34604)
- PHIA Time to Freeze QA/QC Summary report updated (R-34611)
- Exporting for VQA project disabled (R-34821)
Updates to TREM:
- The following updates have been made to TREM in support of the PHIA Botswana (BAIS V study)
- New QA schema added: First 25 only minus NRT and KCP (R-34875)
- New Geenius setting added: All POS+IND+KCP (R-34875)
- CD4 test updated to open if ID3 is KCP (R-34875)