Release: HAWS 6.1
Frontier Science is pleased to announce the release of HAWS version 6.1. Below is a full list of changes for this release.
Full Release Notes
New Features:
- Equivocal now restored as selectable option for selected ECR kits (R-34421)
- Retrospective algorithm now allows a selectable final result of “HIV-1 Not Detected” (R-34422)
- Geenius interpretation fields can now be left blank throughout the program and within the export file (R-34423)
- Added U and B mappings to VISP status (R-34424)
- Modified the adjudication file (R-34425)
- Users now warned before a duplicate workflow is added for the same patient/visit but different collection dates (R-34426)
- Inactive users now sort to the bottom of the Tested By dropdown in Assay Results section (R-34835)
- New option when creating a discretionary redraw to select whether the ECR/Geenius/RNA PCR tests should be automatically created (R-34934)
Bug Fixes:
- Unblinded and/or Blinded Comments now show on report even if General Comment is null (R-34121)
- Fixed issue with “include only specimens from the visit’s draw date” checkbox on Select Specimen screen (R-34155)
- HAWS will now mark a workflow as completed, even if it crashes after printing the final report (R-34292)
- Fixed issue in which the Tests per Algorithm report cut off longer kit names (R-34572)
- Repeat numbers are now generated correctly in the export file (R-34834)
- SRV algorithm now defaults to correct final result and unblinded summary text in Post-Study Testing Service (SRV) algorithm (R-34894)
- Fixed an issue whereby HAWS will no longer use clinic description when syncing information with LDMS (R-34744)
- The system now uses the LDMS record’s group to create the HAWS Patient object (R-35151)
- General maintenance code cleanup and database optimizations (R-34291 and R-34685)