Release: LDMS for Windows 13.7

Howard Gutzman

Frontier Science is pleased to announce the release of LDMS for Windows version 13.7. Below is a full list of changes for this release.

Full Release Notes

New Features:


  • Added New TREM Report: HCV Worksheet (R-40013)
  • Added File Name field and Comments field to the following TREM reports: (R-40011, R-40012) + QA Worksheet + QA Worksheet with storage locations + Geenius Worksheet + HBV Worksheet + CD4 Worksheet + HCV Worksheet + Decliners Worksheet
  • HCV test now defaults to null/not set when loaded to the TREM grid (R-40071)


No changes for this release were classified as high risk.

Bug Fixes:

No bug fixes were implemented for this release.