Registration is now open for the next LDMS for Windows training, to be held Wednesday November 18 to Friday November 20. All LDMS users are welcome to attend this training.
The training will be held at the Frontier Science data management center in Amherst, New York. Each day will start at 9:00 A.M. and end at 4:00 P.M. Friday afternoon will cover assay usage in LDMS and is optional.
The training will cover basic usage of LDMS for Windows, including specimen entry, using the storage feature, shipping specimens between laboratories, generating specimen labels, getting assay data into LDMS, and more.
To register, go to the [training page]({“main”=>”/training/”, “visiting”=>”/training/visiting-frontier-science/”, “about”=>”/training/about/”, “register”=>”/training/registration/”, “schedule”=>”/training/schedule/”, “request”=>”/training/request/”, “docs”=>”/training/docs/”, “videos”=>”/training/videos/”, “videopages”=>”/resources/training-videos/”, “quizzes”=>”/training/quizzes/”}). There, you can also learn more about the topics that will be covered during the training session. When registering, be sure to click the correct link, depending on whether you will or will not be attending the afternoon of the third day of training.
Registration for this training will be open until Friday October 30. If you have any questions about this or other LDMS training opportunities, let us know.