Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA)

The following result fields are specific to the EIA assay:

Final result

HAWS will automatically complete this field for you based on the OD/cutoff ratio. You can override the automatically calculated result if needed. The following options are available for the EIA final result:

  • Reactive
  • Non-reactive
  • Equivocal (only available for the Bio-Rad GenScreen HIV 1/2 and Bio-Rad Genscreen Ultra HIV Ag-Ab HIV 1/2 kits)
  • QNS
  • Invalid
  • Test Not Performed
This is the operand for the OD. By default, this field is set to =. If the reader device detected an OD outside of its range of quantitation, you would need to change this to reflect the range.
The OD result for the specimen. The default value is blank. You must enter a non-negative number unless the Final Result field is Invalid, QNS, or Test Not Performed.
The cutoff result for the specimen. The default value is blank. You must enter a non-negative number unless the Final Result field is Invalid, QNS, or Test Not Performed.
OD/cutoff ratio
This read-only value is automatically calculated based on the OD and Cutoff that you entered for the specimen.
This field is displayed instead of OD and cutoff for the Abbott Architect HIV Ag/Ab Combo and Abbott Axsym HIV Ag/Ab Combo kits. The default value is blank. You must enter a non-negative number unless the Final Result field is Invalid, QNS, or Test Not Performed.

HAWS will complete the Final result field for you using the logic described below. You can override the result chosen by HAWS and select a different result. If the ID/cutoff ratio is modified, HAWS may modify the Final result, but will provide you with a message if it does.

For all EIA kits other than the Bio-Rad GenScreen HIV 1/2 and Bio-Rad Genscreen Ultra HIV Ag-Ab HIV 1/2 kits, HAWS will suggest a final result using the following logic:

  • Ratio greater than or equal to 1.0 will be considered Reactive
  • Ratio less than 1.0 will be considered Non-reactive
For the Bio-Rad GenScreen HIV 1/2 and Bio-Rad Genscreen Ultra HIV Ag-Ab HIV 1/2 kits, the following logic applies:
  • Ratio greater than or equal to 1.0 will be considered Reactive
  • Ratio between 0.90 and 0.99, inclusive, will be considered Equivocal
  • Ratio less than 0.90 will be considered Non-reactive