Creating new users

Note: Creating, removing, and modifying other user accounts requires system administrator permissions. Non-system administrators can only modify certain properties for their own user account.
  1. Click Tools > User Administration from the HAWS menu bar.
  2. Click the New user button.
  3. Enter the new user's user name into the User name text box.
    The user name is not case sensitive. The user name must also be unique among all users, including those that have already been deleted.
  4. Enter the new user's full name into the Full name text box.
  5. Enter the new user's initials into the Initials text box.
  6. Select any permissions that should be assigned to the user.
    Option Description
    system administrator Can create, modify, and remove other users
    Can approve results User can approve assay results and complete the result algorithm task
    Can view and print reports User can complete the final report task and print bulk reports
New users will have the same password as their user name by default. For example, a user with the user name ROBERT will have the default password robert (lower case).
The new user should change his or her password after logging in for the first time. This is done by selecting Tools > User administration from the HAWS menu bar, and then clicking the Change password button.