Creating unblinded EOS/EOX reports

Note: Only users with the Can print reports privilege can batch print reports.

Prior to a protocol being unblinded, SCHARP receives unblinded EOS/EOX reports. SCHARP will request that the laboratory send unblinded EOS/EOX reports for all patients on a specific protocol, or they may send the laboratory a text file containing a list of patients whose unblinded EOS/EOX reports should be sent.

  1. Click Reports > Create unblinded EOS reports for SCHARP from the HAWS menu bar.
    The Create Unblinded Reports for SCHARP window will appear.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If SCHARP provided your laboratory with a protocol number, enter the protocol into the Create reports for all algorithms for this protocol box.
    • If SCHARP provided your laboratory with a text file listing of patients, click the Open file button and select the text file.
  3. Optional: If you want to print reports that have already been printed, select the Include already created reports option.
  4. Select the reports to be printed.
    To select multiple reports, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key.
  5. Click the Create reports button.

PDF files for each report will be generated and saved to your computer. They will be in the Reports folders. There will be a sub-directory in the Reports folder called Unblinding. Within this directory will be a directory for each clinic, and within each clinic's folder a PDF of the report.

Figure: Unblinding report directory structure


Figure: Report PDF file naming convention

[PatientID]-v[Visit Number]-[Draw Date]-rpt[Algorithm]Unblinded.pdf

The default location for reports can be modified in the Options window.