Importing assay results from a file

You can import results from an assay reader device for some assay kits. Results can be imported from the following kits:

  • Bio-Rad Genetic Systems HIV 1/2 Plus O
  • Bio-Rad GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA
  • Bio-Rad Genetic Systems rLav
  • Bio-Rad Geenius HIV ½ Confirmation Assay
  • Abbott Architect HIV Ag/Ab Combo

Importing assay results from a file allows you to bypass entering the results manually.

  1. Open the manage runs task.
  2. Select the appropriate run from the Available runs list.
  3. Click the Import results from file button.
    A dialog window will open for you to browse to the file to be imported.
  4. Select the file that you want to import.

HAWS will extract all results from the file, and any existing results will be overwritten.

HAWS will extract the appropriate test data for each sample on the run.