Listing specimens that moved in storage

After moving specimens in LDMS’s storage, you can print a list of these changes so that you can move the actual specimens.

About this task

When specimens are moved in LDMS they also need to be moved in your actual specimen storage area so that the storage location assignments in LDMS remain accurate. To help you keep LDMS and your storage in sync, you can print a list of specimens that have been assigned new storage locations in LDMS.


  1. In the menu bar, click Storage > Stored Samples
  2. From the action menu in the upper-left corner, click Print Move Report.
  3. Next to Generate for, select one of the following:
    • Select This Login Session if you want to see all specimens that you have moved while signed in.
    • Select Date Rage if you want to see all specimens that have been moved during a given date range.
  4. If using a date range, specify the Start Date and End Date
  5. Leave the File Type as PDF (*.pdf).
    This report is not intended to be generated in a format other than PDF.
  6. Click Generate Move Report.

What to do next

Each row in the Storage Move Report will represent one specimen that has changed locations, with its original location and its now location. Use the report to find the specimen in its original location so that it can be related to the new position.