Creating New Users

LDMS is a user-based system. LDMS cannot be used without a valid user name and password. User names and passwords in LDMS are not tied to your computer's login credentials. By using individual user accounts, it is possible to keep track of who did what in LDMS, and prevent users from accessing advanced features that they should not be using.

When LDMS is installed, it comes with one default account, ADMIN (the password is also admin). The first time you start LDMS, you should immediately create one or more user accounts, and then remove the admin account.


Using the ADMIN account for daily work is strongly discouraged. It should be deleted as soon as you have added at least one user with system administrative privileges.

Adding a new user account

  1. Click Administration > User Configuration from the LDMS menu bar.

  2. On the User Configuration screen, click the button.

  3. Complete the User Name field. This field must be unique among other user names at your laboratory.

  4. Enter the user's Real Name. This field can contain spaces.

  5. Enter the user's Initials.

  6. Enter the password for the new user.


    Passwords in LDMS are not case-sensitive.

By default, a user's Initials will be used throughout LDMS to populate fields with the user's initials when appropriate. This behavior can be changed.