Running a Template-Based Assay
While the basic steps in running template-based assays are largely identical across all virology assays, there are important, assay-specific differences. Before running an assay, be sure to review the section specific to that assay for those differences.
Virology assays can be run by using the templates that come with LDMS or by creating your own template.
Figure: The Roche HIV DNA PCR 1.5 assay setup screen. This screen shows the setup screen for the DNA PCR assay (v1.5). Most virology assays will have the features shown, though there are slight variations between assays.

The assay setup screen shows a visual representation of your assay plate(s). Each well on the plate corresponds to one cell on the setup screen.
Setting up template based assays
On the Assay Selection tab, select the desired assay template from the Assays list and the specimens to run, then click the button.
If needed, add additional specimen. There are two ways to do this:
Return to the Assay Selection tab, select additional specimens from the Specimens Found list, and then click the button.
Click the Specimen ID field, and then click the Add button. You can also click the Import button to import a text file list of global specimen IDs, with one ID per line.
button. You can enter a global specimen ID into the
If needed, modify specimens or controls. Do this by right-clicking on the specimen to modify and selecting Modify Specimen/Control. This is how you would update the specimen/control's dilution factor, volume, or expected result.
If needed, remove specimens or controls. Do this by right-clicking on the specimen or control and selecting Delete Specimen/Control or Delete Specimen/Control (Compress). The Compress option will move wells from right-to-left to fill the gap created by the deleted specimen/control.
If needed, move specimens or controls. Do this by selecting the specimen/control to move, clicking the
button, and then selecting the destination well. -
If needed, add or remove plates by clicking the
or button respectively. -
If needed, enable and disable wells. Do this by selecting the well, and then clicking the
button. -
If needed, add controls. Do this by clicking the Add Control option.
button, and selecting the
Once you have the assay setup exactly as it is on your plate(s), click the
button. You will be prompted to select kit and other information, depending on the assay being run. If you cannot find your assay kit, you need to enter it into LDMS.LDMS will begin reading your assay results. When prompted, select the output file from your assay.