Getting started This manual describes how to use LDMS for and is intended for users at laboratories. About Frontier Science Frontier Science develops and maintains LDMS, and provides data hosting for laboratories. About LDMS LDMS is a data management solution for laboratories managing biological medical specimens. Migrating from Windows to web versions Laboratories currently using LDMS for Windows may be able to migrate to the web version. System requirements These are the system requirements, along with recommended specifications, for using LDMS. Getting LDMS Installed Upgrading to the Latest version of LDMS Setting up an LDMS Client-Server Environment Challenge codes A challenge code is password that you must give to LDMS User Support to perform certain actions in LDMS. Logging into LDMS for the First Time Acknowledgement of training If it is your first time logging into LDMS, you will be prompted to sign an acknowledgement of training after entering your username and password. Or, if you are an existing user logging in for the first time after the software upgrade to version 13.0, you will also be prompted with this screen. Changing Users Date and Time in LDMS Setting Up a Printer for LDMS Finding Your Way Around Keyboard Usage Getting Help