Exportable Reports

WIHS Nuclisens Control

This report provides the user with a summary of the controls that are currently available for the Nuclisens Assay.

WIHS Nuclisens Specimen

This report provides the user with a summary of Nuclisens Assay results for WIHS samples that were completed in the lab’s database.

Primary Specimen Database

This report provides the user with a list of the Primary LDMS Specimen Numbers and the associated Draw Date and Received Dates.

CFAR Export Report

This report provides the user with a list of specimens that are stored within the local LDMS and provides information regarding the specimens.

Storage Export Report

Similar to the CFAR Export report, this report provides the user with a list of specimens that are stored within the local LDMS and provides information regarding the specimens. The major difference is that this report contains headers and displays the complete storage location.

WITS Storage Detail Report

Similar to the Storage Export Report, this report provides the user with a list of specimens that are stored within the local LDMS and provides information regarding the specimens. The major difference is that this report contains Global Specimen ID’s as opposed to LDMS Specimen ID’s.

Abbott SARS-COV-2 Quant Export Report

Exportable report that summarizes results from the Abbott SARS-COV-2 Quant assay.

Abbott SARS-COV-2 Quant Export Report with Comments

Similar to the Abbott SARS-COV-2 Quant Export Report, but with two additional data fields for Condition and Comments.

Abbott SARS-COV-2 Quant Export Report with Sample Location

Same as the Abbott SARS-COV-2 Quant Export Report, but with one additional data field for Sample Location.

A5184 Bayer bDNA HCV RNA Report

Lab 54 was performing three Assays for Protocol A5184 which are not supported in the LDMS. To make data entry easier for this lab when submitting the data by Excel to the DMC, three templates for this data were added to the LDMS. The lab could generate the Report with the specimen info (Protocol, PID, Specimen Date, Specimen ID and Visit) loaded onto the template based on the search criteria selected. The lab can export the report(s) into Excel and manually complete the remaining data portion of the template.

A5184 Bayer TMA HCV RNA Report

Lab 54 was performing three Assays for Protocol A5184 which are not supported in the LDMS. To make data entry easier for this lab when submitting the data by Excel to the DMC, three templates for this data were added to the LDMS. The lab could generate the Report with the specimen info (Protocol, PID, Specimen Date, Specimen ID and Visit) loaded onto the template based on the search criteria selected. The lab can export the report(s) into Excel and manually complete the remaining data portion of the template.

A5184 HCV Genotyping Report

Lab 54 was performing three Assays for Protocol A5184 which are not supported in the LDMS. To make data entry easier for this lab when submitting the data by Excel to the DMC, three templates for this data were added to the LDMS. The lab could generate the Report with the specimen info (Protocol, PID, Specimen Date, Specimen ID and Visit) loaded onto the template based on the search criteria selected. The lab can export the report(s) into Excel and manually complete the remaining data portion of the template.

Westat DNA Export Report

This report is designed to mimic a DNA Results by Protocol Report that was not useful for the folks at Westat, therefore, this report was created to provide similar DNA result data in a new format.

Westat Roche Amplicor Export Report

Similar to the Westat DNA Export Report, this report is designed to mimic a Roche Amplicor Assay Results by Protocol Report that was not useful for the folks at Westat, therefore, this report was created to provide similar Roche Amplicor Assay result data in a new format.

Westat Roche Ultra Export Report

Similar to the Westat DNA Export Report, this report is designed to mimic a Roche Ultrasensitive Assay results by protocol report that was not useful for the folks at Westat, therefore, this report was created to provide similar Roche Ultrasensitive Assay result data in a new format.

Westat PK Export Report

Similar to the Westat DNA Export Report, this report is designed to mimic a PK Assay results by protocol report that was not useful for the folks at Westat, therefore, this report was created to provide similar PK Assay result data in a new format.

Quest Import Manifest Report

This report provides a summary of the batches that have been received via the LDMS Shipping file. The report will not list batches that have been received via text file.

Westat DNA 1.5 Export Report

Similar to the Westat DNA Export Report, this report is designed to mimic a DNA 1.5 Assay results by protocol report that was not useful for the folks at Westat, therefore, this report was created to provide similar DNA 1.5 Assay result data in a new format.

Westat Nuclisens Export Report

Similar to the Westat DNA Export Report, this report is designed to mimic a Nuclisens Assay results by protocol report that was not useful for the folks at Westat, therefore, this report was created to provide similar Nuclisens Assay result data in a new format.

Lab 48 Billing Report

This report was designed to provide the following requested fields: Specimen ID, group/protocol, PID/ID1, Visit/Visit Unit, Specimen Date, and Additive.

SCHARP VGC Assay Results

This report was designed to be used for reporting assay results to SCHARP. The first group of fields on the report contains basic specimen information that will be populated by LDMS. This is followed by a second group of fields that LDMS will leave blank and will be filled in by the lab (these are the assay result fields).

SCHARP GSC Assay Results

This report was designed to be used for reporting assay results to SCHARP. The first group of fields on the report contains basic specimen information that will be populated by LDMS. This is followed by a second group of fields that LDMS will leave blank and will be filled in by the lab (these are the assay result fields).

SCHARP GSS Assay Results

This report was designed to be used for reporting assay results to SCHARP. The first group of fields on the report contains basic specimen information that will be populated by LDMS. This is followed by a second group of fields that LDMS will leave blank and will be filled in by the lab (these are the assay result fields).

Specimen Export

This report was designed for when a user has logged in non-government group specimens into the Specimen Management module and has shipped these specimens via the shipping module.

Lab 081 Billing report

This report was designed to provide lab 81 with an exportable report that they use for billing purposes. The following were the requested fields: group/Protocol, PID/ID1, Specimen Date, Derivative, and Global Spec ID.

Lab 081 CNICS by Date

This report was designed to provide lab 81 with an exportable report that they use for billing purposes, the following were the requested fields: group, Non ACTG Protocol/ID2, Spec Date, Received Date, Primary, Volume and Volume Units.

Lab 081 CNICS General

This report was designed to provide lab 81 with an exportable report that they use for billing purposes. The following were the requested fields: Non ACTG Protocol/ID2, PID/ID1, Specimen Date and Time, Received Date, Additive, Derivative, Sub Add/Der, Volume and Volume Units.

SCHARP Manifest Assay Results Tool

This report was designed to provide the labs with an exportable report, that they will be able to generate and send to SCHARP, which will have the data used for upload into SCHARP's assay result tool.

WIHS Taqman RNA Specimen Export

This report was designed to be similar to the current WIHS Nuclisens RNA Specimens Export File Report in the Reports Module, but with information from the Taqman assay. The report contains a summary of the specimen and run information.

Aliquot Count by Primary

This report was designed to provide the user with a list of the Primaries in the LDMS and provide them with a the number of aliquots associated with the given Primary. This report summarizes the inventory within the local database.

Database Dump Report

This report provides the user with a complete listing of all of the specimen information held within a local lab’s database. This report would be useful to a user if they need to track a complete summary of their database.

Exportable Abbott Assay Report

Similar the RNA Abbott Assay report, this report was designed to be an exportable RNA Assay Result Report with the following fields: PID, Visit Value and Visit Unit, Primary, Specimen ID, Global ID, Specimen Date, Received Date, Import Date, Assay Date, RunID, Result, System Censor, User Censor, Run System Censor, and Run User Censor.

Exportable Roche Amplicor Report

Similar to the RNA Abbott Assay report, this report was designed to be an exportable RNA Assay Result Report with the following fields: PID, Visit value and Visit Unit, Primary, Specimen ID, Global ID, Specimen Date, Received Date, Import Date, Assay Date, RunID, Result, System Censor, User Censor, Run System Censor, and Run User Censor.

Exportable Roche Ultra Report

Similar to the RNA Abbott Assay report, this report was designed to be an exportable RNA Assay Result Report with the following fields: PID, Visit value and Visit Unit, Primary, Specimen ID, Global ID, Specimen Date, Received Date, Import Date, Assay Date, RunID, Result, System Censor, User Censor, Run System Censor, and Run User Censor.

CFAR Storage Report

This report was designed based upon a request by lab 15 for a new storage report that would allow them to send their CFAR specimen information to their data manager at the CFAR Repository. This report is export friendly. The report provides a summary of the storage locations for specimens in the local lab’s LDMS.

Lab 194 Billing Report

This report provides an exportable friendly repot of a summary of all the specimens within the local LDMS. The report provides the PID/ID1, Specimen ID, Global Spec ID, other Spec ID, PRI,ADD, DER, Specimen Date, Specimen Time, VID, VID Unit, Volume, and Volume Units.

Lab 485 Aliquot Report

This report was designed to mimic the Specimen Export Report but to sort the results in the following order- group, Non ACTG Protocol, Non ACTG PID, Visit Value, Primary, Additive, Derivative.

Lab 485 Specimen Count

This report provides a count for unique Primary/Additive/Derivative/Sub-Derivative combinations that can be ordered by: group/Protocol/PTID/Visit combinations. The report is then grouped by group/ID2.

Lab 485 Specimen Count With Volume

Similar to the Lab 485 Specimen Count report, this report was designed to provide a count for unique Primary/Additive/Derivative/Sub-Derivative combinations that can be ordered by: group/Protocol/PTID/Visit combinations. The report is then grouped by group/ID2.

Lab 188 Storage

This report provides a summary of the samples that are available in the local LDMS database, as well as provide a summary of what has been stored. The report is sorted by Global Specimen ID and displays “Not Stored” if samples have yet to be placed in the virtual storage structure. This report would be helpful for a user in tracking of what has been stored and what still needs to be stored in their LDMS.

Lab 40 LabKey Report

This report is designed to allow the lab to dump data into a specified format that can be read/imported into their LabKey program for some of their internal projects. The report provides basic specimen information including processing information, storage data, and shipping information.

Sample Counts for Specified group

This report is designed to allow the lab to view the number of samples that are available of a given specimen type. The report is grouped by the samples group. This would be helpful to a user to view a summary of available samples for a given group based on their sample type.