Shipping Reports

Shipped Specimen Report - Detail

This report provides the user with a detailed summary of all the shipments that the lab has completed. This report would be useful to the user since it provides relatively detailed information regarding their shipments, including what specimens were shipped, when they were shipped, who they were shipped to and the batch number.

Detailed Imported Specimen Report

This report provides the user with a detailed summary of all the shipments that the lab has imported. This report would be useful to the user since it provides relatively detailed information regarding shipments they have imported, including the specimens that were imported, when they were Imported, who originally shipped the batch and the batch number.

Shipping Lab Contact Report

This report provides the user with a detailed summary of all of the contact information for a given lab. This report would be useful to the user when looking for contact information for a receiving or shipping lab, as well as contacts for resolving queries for destination labs.

Imported Specimen Report - Summary

Similar to the Detailed Imported Specimen Report, this report provides the user with a summary of all the shipments that the lab has imported but in a more compact nature. This report would be useful to the user since it provides information regarding shipments they have imported, including when it was Imported, who originally shipped the batch, the batch number, and an aliquot count per specimen type.

Shipped Specimen Report - Summary

Similar to the Detailed Shipped Specimen Report, this report provides the user with a summary of all the shipments that the lab has completed but in a much more compact nature. This report would be useful to the user since it provides information regarding shipments they have shipped, including when they were shipped, the destination, the batch number, and an aliquot count.

Daily Imported Specimen Log

This report provides the user with a summary of the samples that a lab has imported grouped by group/ID1, and provides the user with information regarding some of the samples that were imported, when the specimens were imported, what lab the samples came from and sample condition. This report would be useful to the user in that it will provide a easy means of identifying which samples have been imported for a given protocol, as well as an idea of when they have been received.

Pending Specimens Marked for Shipping Report

This report provides the user with a summary of all the samples that the lab has marked to ship in the specimen management module, but has yet to ship. This report would prove useful to labs when trying to organize their shipments, with the ability to identify specimens that they anticipate on shipping but have yet to do so.

Ambient Shipments Report

This report provides the user with a summary of all of the primaries that have been marked for ambient shipment. This report would be useful to the user in that it provides a summary of all of the sample that have touched the labs LDMS but was not necessarily processed, and provides information such as specimen information and intended destinations.

Lab 263 Summary Detail of Shipped Specimens

This report provides the user with a summary of the total volume that has been shipped to a particular destination for a given (group/Primary/Additive/Derivative/Sub Add/Der/Volume Unit) This report would be useful to the user to identify how much of a particular type of specimen has been shipped for a given group and to their destinations.