Text Shipping File

LDMS is capable of importing specimens from tab-delimited text files. The filename must be in the format described below. The file must contain all of the fields listed. A header row should not be included.

Figure: Text shipping file filename format


Where aaa is the sending laboratory's LDMS laboratory ID number, bbbbbb is the batch number (with leading zeros added, if necessary), and ddmmmyyyy is the date the batch was created.


Text shipping files must have exactly 22 columns, and the columns must be in the order specified below. If there are more or less than 22 columns, LDMS will not be able to correctly read the file. No columns can be removed, and extra columns cannot be added.

Table 1. Text shipping file fields
Field Field Type/Max Length Example Note
group Alpha / 20 ACTG/IMPAACT REQUIRED: The applicable group must be available in the Specimen Management at the receiving laboratory
PID/ID1 Alpha/Numeric / 25 0012345L REQUIRED
Protocol/ID2 Alpha/Numeric / 25 A0000 --
SID/ID3 Alpha/Numeric / 25 A00001234L --
VID Numeric / 6 1.00 Visit number. Format: three numbers before the decimal and two numbers after the decimal
VID Unit Alpha / 3 Vst --
Clinic Numeric / 5 12301 The applicable clinic must be available in the LDMS
Specimen Date Alpha/Numeric / 9 28May2009 REQUIRED: Format: DDMMMYYYY
Specimen Time Alpha/Numeric / 5 13:00 Format: HH:MM (24-hour military format)
Received Date Numeric / 9 29May2009 REQUIRED: Format: DDMMMYYYY
Received Time Alpha/Numeric / 5 14:00 Format: HH:MM (24-hour military format).
Time Numeric / 6 1.00 Format: three numbers before the decimal and two numbers after the decimal. Typically used for pharmacology and metabolic specimens.
Time Unit Alpha / 3 Hrs Typically used for pharmacology and metabolic specimens.
Global Specimen ID Alpha / 11 A1234567-89 --
Primary Alpha / 3 BLD REQUIRED
Additive Alpha / 3 EDT REQUIRED
Derivative Alpha / 3 PL1 REQUIRED
Sub/Add Derivative Alpha / 3 N/A REQUIRED
Volume Alpha/Numeric / 11 10.00 REQUIRED: Format: Nine numbers before the decimal and two numbers after the decimal.
Volume Unit Alpha / 3 ML --
Condition Alpha / 3 SAT If blank, LDMS will default to SAT (satisfactory).
Other Specimen ID Alpha/Numeric / 17 -- Optional identifier at specimen level