The Aliquot Grid

The Aliquot Grid is the bottom portion of the Specimen Management screen. The aliquots derived from the currently selected primary in the Primary Grid are displayed. If a new aliquot is added, it is considered derived from the currently selected primary as well.

Figure: The Aliquot Grid

To add a new aliquot, complete the fields in the upper-left corner of the aliquot Grid, and then click the button. This will add as many aliquots as specified in the # of Aliquots field into the list of aliquots below. To delete an aliquot, simply select it and click the button. You can select multiple aliquots at once by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key.


Other Spec[imen] ID can be used as an internal specimen identifier for both primaries and aliquots. There are no validation checks for this field, which allows it to be flexible. If you work with laboratories that are using LabWare version 1.x, however, you should leave this field blank. When reading shipping files, these versions of LabWare will incorrectly use the other spec ID instead of the global specimen ID as the primary identifier for that specimen. If other specimen ID is not present, however, the global specimen ID will be used correctly.

After entering an aliquot, you can modify it by simply changing a value in the table, and then clicking the button from the LDMS toolbar.


Want to modify more than one aliquot at once? Simply select those rows by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key and clicking them. Next, enter your corrections in the fields where you enter new aliquots. For example, if you want to correct the volume for multiple aliquots, enter the corrected volume into Vol field in the top-left, then click button. This will cascade your changes down to all the selected aliquots.

If you are entering specimens for a co-enrollment (i.e. you entered two or more rows in the participant grid), you need to select which group/study combination will be assigned to the aliquot. To do this, click the Group/ID for the aliquot to show the group drop-down list. From this list, select the correct group and study combination.

The Aliquot Grid also has a handy right-click menu that lets you perform some functions on multiple aliquots.

Aliquot grid right-click menu options

Modify all selected

Same as the button: cascade changes from the entry fields above the aliquot grid to the selected aliquots

Delete all selected

Same as button: delete the selected aliquots

All selected are never to be stored

Marks all aliquots to never store; this means they will not appear as available to be added to storage in LDMS; for more information on never store, see

All selected can be stored

If the aliquots have been set to never store, this removes that flag

All selected mark for shipping

Makes it easier to find aliquots when setting up a shipment. For more information on how this works, see linkend="ship_finding-specimens-to-ship"/>-->

Frozen Date/Time

Enter a frozen date time for multiple aliquots. This is the same as opening up the Details Window for each aliquot and entering the same information one at a time

Test Setup

Assign an assay in LDMS to a specimen. A test must be assigned to a specimen before you can actually setup the assay to be read in LDMS.

Print Labels for Selected Aliquots

Re-print aliquot labels; same as when you initially added the aliquots by clicking the button

The right column in each aliquot row is the aliquot details button. It has a series on single letter codes on it, similar to the primary details button. Click it to open up the Aliquot Details window.


A lot of information in the Aliquot Details window can be cascaded from the primary. For example, if you enter a condition code or processing information for a primary, you will be prompted to cascade that information to all aliquots derived from that primary. If you haven't entered aliquots yet, some of this information will automatically cascade when you add them. It's a good idea to review the aliquot details just to make sure that something didn't end up in them that you didn't intend.

Figure: The Aliquot Details window. Most fields in the Aliquot Details window can be cascaded to other aliquots too . If you make a change, LDMS will automatically prompt you if you want those changes to affect other aliquots of the same derivative type or all aliquots on the screen.