Assigning patient visits to an algorithm

New workflows are created by assigning an algorithm to a patient visit. This is done using the assign a patient visit to workflow task.

  1. Select the Assign a patient visit to a workflow link from the Common Tasks list on the left.

    The Assign a patient visit to workflow window will appear.

    Figure: The assign a patient visit to workflow task. (1) filters for visit search results, (2) search for visits meeting search criteria, (3) visits that meet search criteria, (4) algorithm to use for newly created workflows, (5) create new workflow for selected visits

  2. Select a group from the Group list.
  3. Optional: Filter the search results by entering information into any of the boxes in the Optional search filters section.
  4. Optional: Select the Include already assigned visits option if you want visits that have already been assigned to a workflow to appear in the search results.
    This may be necessary if you need to assign an additional workflow to a visit. This might happen, for example, if a workflow for an incorrect algorithm was created for a visit.
  5. Click the Search button.

    HAWS will display a list of available patient visits found in LDMS, or patient visits that were manually created for the selected group. Rows that are highlighted indicate visits that have already been assigned to an algorithm or a visit with multiple specimen dates.

  6. Select one or more visits.
    To select more than one visit, hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys while selecting visits. To select all visits, click the Select all visits link below the search results.
  7. Optional: Select an algorithm from the Algorithm to start list.

    The default algorithm assigned by HAWS is determined by the visit units and the protocols set up in the Default Algorithms screen. If the visit unit is not one of the units listed, HAWS will not select a default algorithm.

  8. Click the Start workflow button to set the algorithm assignments.
    You cannot click the Start workflow button if any patient visits do not have an algorithm selected. This would only occur if a visit's visit unit was not recognized.