Acknowledgement of training

If it is your first time logging into LDMS, you will be prompted to sign an acknowledgement of training after entering your username and password.

Figure: Acknowledgment Form.

LDMS acknowledgement text (warning, long): Please be advised that Frontier Science will require that all users be trained in the LDMS prior to using the system in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11. Acknowledgement of this training will be maintained electronically at Frontier Science. Please use the acknowledgment prompt below to indicate whether you, as an LDMS user, have been trained in the use of the LDMS. Training can include but is not limited to in person training from FSTRF or other qualified laboratory staff proficient in the use of LDMS, attending a webinar overview, reading the user manual or viewing other training materials available on the LDMS website ( For those users who indicate “no,” or otherwise indicate that they have NOT received LDMS training, please be advised you will not be allowed into the program. All training materials are published on the LDMS website ( and are available for you to complete this requirement. Please contact LDMS User Support with any questions or concerns regarding this requirement or access into the LDMS.

If you have not been trained, you will not be allowed into the system. By selecting the option Yes, I have been trained, you are indicating that you have received training in the use of LDMS.