Shipment QA/QC

Shipment QA/QC is the process of comparing actual specimens in a shipping container to the specimen that is expected in that container position by LDMS. This should be done for shipments before they are sent and after they are received.

You can view the current QA/QC status of a shipment on the Pending Shipments or Shipment History page.

QA/QC Status Action Needed
Complete None
In Progress Finish QA/QC
Complete with Errors Investigate the specimens that did not pass QA/QC
Not Performed Start QA/QC

To perform QA/QC, you need to look at the global specimen ID on a physical specimen, and then compare it to the global specimen ID in LDMS. If they match, the specimen has passed, otherwise it has failed. QA/QC should be performed by scanning the specimen’s barcode, which will read the global specimen ID and do the comparison for you. This is the recommended process. If you do not have a barcode scanner, you can manually compare the two global specimen IDs instead.

Figure: The QA/QC Entry page. (1) Containers in the shipment, (2) Currently selected specimen, (3) Manually pass or fail selected specimen, (4) Currently selected specimen’s global specimen ID, (5) Modifiable boxes (6) Indicator showing that you can scan a barcode to complete shipment QA/QC automatically

If the shipment contains multiple containers, you will need to change containers during QA/QC, since each container must be reviewed separately.

While performing QA/QC, you have the option to modify each specimen’s other specimen ID and comments. If you do so, these changes will be reflected in the specimen information on the Specimen Management page.