Adding aliquots to a primary specimen

An aliquot specimen is added to a primary specimen on the Specimen Management page.

About this task

An aliquot is added to an existing primary.


  1. In the menu bar, click Specimen Management.
  2. Find the participant by using filters on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the arrow next to the Edit button to the right of the primary to which the aliquots will be added, and then click Add New Specimen.

    Figure: Adding a new aliquot to a primary specimen

    Screen image: Creating a new aliquot.

    The Create Specimen window will open.

  4. Enter the number of aliquots that were created into the Number of Aliquots box.
    When entering more than one aliquot together, all aliquots should have the same basic properties (such as the same volume). If you want to add multiple aliquots with different information, you can still do so, but you must edit the aliquots later. For example, if you have 3 aliquots that are identical, but one has a different specimen condition, you can add all three together, and then change the condition of the one aliquot when you are finished.
  5. (If the primary is co-enrolled) Select the enrollment for the new aliquot from the Enrollment box.
    An aliquot cannot be enrolled in more than one study.
  6. Fill in the information for the new aliquot specimens.
    Items marked with a red * are required.
  7. Optional: Enter additional information about the aliquot into the Comments box.
    Information that is typically included here includes details for specimens that were not collected, an explanation of a condition, or an explanation of why a specimen is not available.
  8. Optional: Enter additional information about the aliquot into the Internal-only comments box.
    Comments entered here are for your laboratory’s use only. These comments will not be included if the specimen’s information is shipped to another laboratory.
  9. At the bottom of the window, click Save.
    The information you entered will be checked for completeness and validity. If there is an issue, it will be highlighted with a brief explanation of how to correct it.


The number of aliquots that you specified will be added to the participant visit. The primary specimen will automatically change to unavailable to indicate that the specimen was consumed during processing.

What to do next

If you added multiple aliquots and any of those aliquots differed from the others (such as one aliquot having a different condition), be sure to make those changes to the aliquot.