Using the Specimen Management page

The Specimen Management page shows all of the visits for a specific participant and protocol combination.

Important: The labels for certain buttons and menus in LDMS vary based on the project. For one participant, for example, the unique participant identifier (ID) may be called “PID”; for another project it may be “PanelID”.

The main work area of the Specimen Management page will display the all the visits and associated specimens for a participant. Use the navigation buttons to change between different participants.

Figure: The Specimen Management page. (1) Navigate between participants, (2) The current participant enrollment information, (3) Visits for the current participant, (4) Primary specimens for the currently selected visit, (5) Aliquot specimens derived from the currently selected primary specimen, (6) Specimen status indicators, (7) Actions for a primary (8) Indicator that you can scan a barcode to search for a record, (9) Jump directly to a participant

Figure: The specimen management page with numbered callouts.
Status Icon Meaning
Available Specimen is available
Stored Specimen is assigned a storage location
Marked to ship Specimen has been marked to ship to another laboratory
Pending Shipment Specimen is on a pending shipment to another laboratory
Shipped Specimen has been shipped to another laboratory
Co-enrolled Specimen has an additional enrollment
Tests assigned Specimen has an additional enrollment
Objective Action
Change participants Click the navigation buttons at the top of the screen.
View the visits for a different study that the participant is enrolled in Select the study from the Study drop-down box. If the Study box is disabled, then the participant is only enrolled in one study.
See the primary specimens associated with a visit Click a visit from the Visits section of the page.
See the aliquots associated with a primary specimen Click a primary in the Primary Specimens section.
Search for a specific participant Use the filters on the left-side of the page.