The storage tree

The storage system in LDMS is a hierarchy of storage items.

There are several types of storage items in LDMS. From biggest to smallest, these are:

storage unit

This is the main cooling unit used to store specimens, such as a freezer or a refrigerator.

This is an intermediate part of a storage system, such as a shelf within a freezer. You can add an additional level to another level. For example, you might have a shelf that contains racks of boxes, where the rack is a level on the shelf, which is a level in a freezer.
This is the storage item that holds specimens, such as a box.

Figure: The LDMS storage hierarchy

Figure: A graphical representation of the storage hierarchy used in LDMS.

The storage hierarchy is visualized on the Storage page in LDMS as a tree.

Figure: The storage tree on the Storage page. (1) A storage unit. (2) A level. (3) A container. (4) Specimens in the container. (5) The name for this specific storage unit. (6) The position of the item in its parent. (7) The global specimen ID for each specimen.

Figure: The storage tree in LDMS with numbered callouts.