Modifying and removing storage templates

Storage templates can be modified or removed after they have been created.

About this task

Changes to templates will only affect new storage items based on the template. Existing storage items that were based on the template will not be updated.


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over Storage from the LDMS menu bar, and then click either Storage unit templates, Level templates, or Container templates, depending on the type of template you want to modify.
  2. Select the template to modify from the Saved Templates box.
    Note: If you want to clear the screen so that you can create a new template instead of modifying the selected template, click the Add new button.
    The settings for that template will be displayed.
  3. Modify the template as needed.
    If you want to remove the template, click the Delete template button. Deleting a template makes it unavailable to be used for new storage items. Existing storage items that were based on the template will not be affected.
  4. Click the Save template button.


The template will modified and any new storage items based on it will reflect the changes. Existing storage items that were based on the template will not be modified.