Exports and Updates

Data you collect and enter into LDMS at your laboratory exists only in your laboratory's database. It is not automatically transferred, sent to anyone, or synchronized with other laboratories. For many research groups, Frontier Science performs data management services and maintains a central database of specimen information for the group. The process of sending this centrally managed data from your laboratory to Frontier Science is called exporting.

Exporting does not back up your local LDMS database. Only a portion of your laboratory's data is sent through an export; it is not possible to reconstruct your laboratory's database using exported data.

When your laboratory performs an export, LDMS will check to see if there are any minor updates (called deploys) available. If there are updates, LDMS will automatically download and install them. These updates include changes to laboratory contact information, new preloads, specimen code updates, etc.


The types of updates that LDMS can download automatically are small, incremental changes. LDMS will not download or install major LDMS upgrades (in other words, if you are running LDMS 11.0, you will not automatically be upgraded to LDMS 11.1 after exporting). Larger LDMS updates that require you to download and run an installer are announced by Frontier Science when they are released.

Exporting data to Frontier Science

Exporting data to Frontier Science and downloading LDMS updates

  1. Click Tasks > Export from the LDMS menu bar or click the button from the LDMS toolbar.

  2. Click the button. A series of messages will appear as the export is created and then transferred.

There may be occasions when you cannot perform an export as intended. For example, if your laboratory is located in a region with sporadic Internet connectivity, it may be difficult to reliably perform an export. While it is not optimal, it is possible to manually create and send exportable data to Frontier Science. Before attempting to do this, you should contact LDMS User Support as they will need to be involved in several steps.

Manually exporting data to Frontier Science

  1. Click Tasks > Export from the LDMS menu bar or click the button from the LDMS toolbar.

  2. Generate an export file by clicking the button. If there is already an existing file in the Files to Transfer list, skip this step.

  3. Select the export from the Files to Transfer section, and then click the button. You will be prompted to save the export file to your computer.

  4. Contact LDMS User support. They will work with you to determine the most convenient method for transferring the export file to Frontier Science.

  5. After the export file has been acquired by LDMS User Support, LDMS User Support will provide you with a password. With the export tool open, select the file that was transferred manually and click the Mark button. You will be prompted to enter the password supplied by LDMS User Support. The manual export is now complete.

If you perform a manual export, keep in mind that you will not have received any deploy updates. It is possible for LDMS Use Support to manually provide these updates for you. For more information, contact LDMS User Support.

What is and is not Exported

Exporting is the only process in LDMS where data is transmitted between Frontier Science and a laboratory. This isn't just a process for sending data to Frontier Science, but also the easiest way for your laboratory will receive important incremental LDMS updates. For this reason, it's important for every laboratory to perform regular exports, even if Frontier Science is not managing your data.

You might be wondering what data is sent when you export. The following information is exported to Frontier Science from all laboratories:

  • All specimen and assay data for the following groups: ANON, ACTG/IMPAACT, VQA, AIEDRP, HPTN, VTN, ATN, CPQA, CHAVI, VIP, PHACS, MTN, IPREX, WITSRepos, IRC, SHIMS, AERAS, FACTS, CONTROL, CIPRA, RPID.

  • Reagent information

  • Oracle database usage statistics (e.g. database size, number of records)

  • LDMS user account information, such as names and initials

The following information is not exported:

  • LDMS user passwords

  • Data for groups not listed above

  • Data for internal groups that you created at your laboratory

  • Data and information stored on your computer not related to LDMS.

You can identify if an individual specimen will be exported in Specimen Management . Any primary or aliquot with the Details code E will be exported.