Reviewing Results and Terminating Cultures
After running the appropriate p24 antigen assay on your culture harvests, you must review and accept the results. These results are in two places:
By selecting the p24 assay and the Review/Edit option
By selecting the culture assay and the Terminate/Unterminate option.
In LDMS, terminating a culture is the process of reviewing the p24 assay results and approving them. This typically corresponds to the actual termination of the culture.
Select the appropriate culture from the Assay list on the Assay Selection tab.
Select the Terminate/Unterminate option, and then click the button.
Select either the All Open Cultures, All Closed Cultures, or All Cultures option, depending on which cultures you want to review, and then click the button from the LDMS toolbar.
Note:Closed and open cultures are the same as terminated and not-terminated cultures respectively.
Select the culture(s) you want to review. You can select multiple cultures and view more than one at the same time. Once they have all been selected, click the
button.Warning:While you can use the en masse, you don't actually review the results.
and buttons to terminate/unterminate multiple cultures at once, this is not recommended. When you terminate a culture, you are saying that you have reviewed and approved the results; by doing this -
Review the culture results. LDMS has already determined whether or not the culture is positive or negative based on the status of each harvest tested on the p24 assay. If you want to override these results, change the Culture Result option and enter a comment. If multiple cultures were selected, you can switch between them by using the database navigation buttons from the LDMS toolar.
Enter the initials of the person terminating the culture into the Terminated by and your initials into the Reviewed by fields, and then complete the Reviewed Date.
If you want to create an MT-2 supernatant from one of your harvests and use it to run the MT-2 assay, select the Generate MT-2 supernatant on termination option. If you do select this option, you will be prompted for the harvest date of the harvest that you want to use when terminating the culture.
Select the Terminate option to accept the specimen results, the UnTerminate option to re-open a culture, or the Save option if you do not want to open or close the culture but want to save other changes.
Click the
button from the LDMS toolbar.