Test Result Entry reports
Several reports can be generated by clicking the Generate Report button from the LDMS toolbar.
Reports are generated using the currently displayed results. For the QA Worksheet and Geenius Worksheet, some records may be filtered out of the report. All displayed records will appear in the tab-delimited text file.
- Decliners Worksheet
- Shows records where final result is blank, the HIVRT is DEC and Syphilis Test result, HBV result, or Geenius result is blank
- QA Worksheet
- Shows records where final result is blank and QA is Y
- QA Worksheet with Storage Locations
- Same as QA worksheet, with storage location and specimen barcode added
- HBV Worksheet
- Shows records where the HBV result is blank
- CD4 Worksheet
- Shows records where the CD4 result is blank
- Geenius Worksheet
- Show records where the final result is blank, the HIVRT is POS or IND, and the Geenius result field is applicable
- Tab-delimited Text File
- Generate a plain text file with each field separated by tabs; this report can be opened in most spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel
- HCV Worksheet
- Same as QA worksheet, with storage location and specimen barcode added