Sub additive/derivative codes
This section lists the sub additive/derivative codes available in LDMS.
Code | Description |
01C |
1 o'clock biopsy position |
02C | 2 o'clock biopsy position |
03C | 3 o'clock biopsy position |
04C | 4 o'clock biopsy position |
05C | 5 o'clock biopsy position |
06C | 6 o'clock biopsy position |
07C | 7 o'clock biopsy position |
08C |
8 o'clock biopsy position |
09C | 9 o'clock biopsy position |
10C | 10 o'clock biopsy position |
11C | 11 o'clock biopsy position |
12C | 12 o'clock biopsy position |
14D | Tooth #14 Distal Buccal |
14M | Tooth #14 Mesial Buccal |
19D | Tooth #19 Distal Buccal |
19M | Tooth #19 Mesial Buccal |
24M | Tooth #24 Mesial Buccal |
25D | Tooth #25 Distal Buccal |
30D | Tooth #30 Distal Buccal |
30M | Tooth #30Mesial Buccal |
3DB | Tooth #3 Distal Buccal |
3MB | Tooth #3 Mesial Buccal |
562 | K562 Cell Line |
8MB | Tooth #8 Mesial Buccal |
9DB | Tooth #9 Distal Buccal |
ACD | Acid Citrate Dextrose |
ADA | Adenosine Deaminase |
ADJ | Adjuvant |
AEB | Qiagen AE Buffer |
AFS | Alsever's Freezing Solution |
AG1 | ESAT 6-free cocktail 1 |
AG2 | ESAT 6-free Cherry pick |
AMB | Amber Vial |
ANT | Antigen |
APR | Aprotinin |
ASC | Ascorbate (Vit C) |
ATC | Animal Tumor Cell Line |
ATG | TB Antigen |
AUO | Auramine O |
AVE | Qiagen Buffer AVE |
BCG | Bacille Calmette-Gu�rin |
BCL | B-cell Lymphoblastoid Cell Line |
BFM | Bacterial Freezing Media |
BHT | Butylated hydroxytoluene |
BLK | Tissue Block |
BML | Breast - Left |
BMR | Breast - Right |
BSA | Bovine Serum Albumin |
BSS | Blood Stabilizing Solution |
BTM | Biopsy Transfer Media |
CAN | Candida (CASTA) |
CBS | Cellbanker Solution |
CCM | CareHPV Collection Medium |
CD4 | CD4 cells |
CD8 | CD8 cells |
CDN | cDNA |
CFM | Cell Freezing Media |
CME | Culture Media |
CMV | CytoMegaloVirus |
CON | Control |
CSC | Cervical secretions |
CSP | Cytospin Slides |
CVA | Complete Vaccine |
CYT | Cytokines |
DCF | 2 - deoxycoformycin. |
DMS | DMSO used in cryopreservation solution (CPS) |
DOD | Day of Donation |
DOT | Day of Tail |
DPH | Wyeth Ayerst Diphtheria Antigen |
DPL | Depleted Cell Populations |
DTM | Digene/Qiagen Specimen Transport Medium |
DTT | Dithiothreitol |
ETH | Ethanol |
FBS | Fetal Bovine Serum |
FMA | Formic Acid |
FMD | Formaldehyde |
FOR | Formalin |
FPR | Filter Paper |
FRS | First Spin |
FRZ | Frozen |
FUN | Fungal Broth |
GAG | HIV GAG envelope peptide |
GIT | Guanidine Isothiocyanate (GITC) |
GLM | Glycerol Media |
GLT | Glutaraldehyde |
GLY | 20% Glycerol |
GMS | Giemsa Staining |
GRS | Gram Stain |
H&E | Hematoxylin and Eosin stain |
H2O | Water |
HBS | Hank's Balanced Salt Solution |
HCl | Hydrochloric Acid |
HPA | Hep A |
Human Pappilloma Virus Serology |
Human Pappilloma Virus |
HTC | Human Tumor Cell Line |
I18 | IL-18 |
I1b | IL-1b |
IAP | Iodoacetic Acid/Phenanthrolene |
IgG | Immunoglobulin G |
IL2 | IL-2, Interleukin 2 |
IL6 | Interleukin6 |
ILA | IL-12/IL-15, Interleukin-12/Interleukin-15 |
INK | India Ink |
IPD | PBMCs for Intact Proviral DNA testing |
LAA | L-ascorbic Acid |
LES | Lesion |
LFT | Left |
LPS | Lipopolysaccaride |
LSM | Lymphocyte Separation Media |
LVT | L-var Target |
LYB | Lysis Buffer |
M2V | M2VP |
MA1 | MAC 101 |
MAC | MAC Antigen |
MAF | MAC LR114F Culture Filtrate |
MAS | M. Avium Sensitin |
MCH | Mechanical Homogenization |
MDB | Middlebrook broth |
MET | Methanol |
MFS | Malaria Freezing Solution |
MIF | Merthoilate Formalin/Merthiolate-Iodine Formalin (MF/MIF) |
MIT | Quantiferon Gold and/or Quantiferon Gold Plus Mitogen tube |
MPP | For a mega peptide pool |
MRN | Messenger RNA |
MT2 | MT2 Cell Line |
MTV | For an MTB vaccine |
MUC | Mucins |
N/A | Not Applicable |
NAS | Nucleic Acid Stabilization Solution |
NAT | Sodium thioglycolate |
NCL | N-acetyl-L-cysteine |
NDN | NDVNS1, Newcastle disease virus with NS1 influenza protein |
NDV | NDVB1, Newcastle disease virus wild type |
NDW | Newcastle disease virus with W influenza protein |
NIL | Quantiferon Gold and/or Quantiferon Gold Plus Nil tube |
NKC | Natural Killer cells |
NOH | Sodium Hydroxide |
NON | None |
NPI | Neuropepsidase Inhibitor |
NSK | New Skin Lesion |
NSL | Normal Saline |
NUC | Nucleotides |
OCT | Optimum Cutting Temperature Medium |
OKT | OKT3 Treated |
ORI | Oricol |
OTH | Other |
P24 | P24 |
PAE | Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
PAR | Parrafin |
PBS | Phosphate Buffered Saline |
PCS | PreserveCytSolution |
PEI | Pre-Infusion |
PFM | Paraformaldahyde |
PHA | PHA-Treated |
PI1 | S8820 Sigma SIGMAFAST Protease Inhibitor Tablets |
PIC | Protease Inhibitor Cocktail |
PLC | Placenta Tissue |
PLD | Plasma, Depleted |
PLM | Placenta Membrance |
PMI | Phorbol Myristate Acetate-Ionomycin |
PPA | Phosphoric Acid |
PRS | Protamine Sulfate |
PTI | Post-Infusion |
PTK | Proteinase-K |
PTY | Parathyroid |
PVA | Polyvinyl alcohol |
PWM | Pokeweed Mitogen |
QAG | QFT-TB Ag Red Cap |
QMT | QFT-Mitogen Purple Cap |
QNL | QFT-Nil Grey Cap |
QTG | QFT-TB1 Ag Green Cap |
QTY | QFT-TB2 Ag Yellow Cap |
RDS | RNA/DNA shield |
RFW | RNAse free water |
RGT | Right |
RLT | Buffer RLT Plus |
RNL | RNAlater |
RNP | RNA Protect |
RPM | RPMI 1640 Medium |
RTB | Reverse Transcriptase buffer |
S52 | Sendai 52 virus with defective infectious particules |
SAU | Staph aureus |
SBC | Sodium Bicarbonate |
SCB | Sodium Carbonate |
SDS | Second Spin |
SEB | Sigma Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B |
SLD | Slide from a primary sample |
SNP | Snap/Flash Freeze |
SPG | Sponge |
SPN | Streptococcus pneumoniae |
SPS | SMART TUBE INC Proteomic Stabilizer |
STG | Skim milk-Tryptone-Glucose-Glycerin Medium (STGG) |
STM | Stimulated by Multiple Antigens |
SUB | Sub Gingival Plaque |
SUG | Supragingival Plaque |
SUP | Cultural Supernatant |
TB4 | Quantiferon Gold and/or Quantiferon Gold Plus CD4 tube |
TB8 | Quantiferon Gold Plus (only) CD8 tube |
TBD | Specimen type to be defined |
TBS | Tris-Buffered Saline |
TCA | 1% Thimersol/ 6.6% EACA (Epsilon Amino Caproic Acid) |
TCL | T-cell Lymphoblastoid Cell Line |
TCM | Trichrome stain |
TEB | Tris-EDTA Buffer |
TEM | Tempus Tube |
TFM | Tissue Freezing Medium |
TMD | Myeloid dendritic cell non infected and treated with TSST |
TMS | Transport Medium-Stuarts |
TND | Myeloid dendritic cell infected with NDVW and treated with TSST |
TNN | TSST with NDVNS1 |
TNV | TSST with NDVB1 |
TOC | Tocopherol (Vit E) |
TPB | Trypan Blue |
TRI | TriReagent |
TRX | Triton X |
TRZ | Trizol |
TSC | Myeloid dendritic cell infect w/ Sendai Cantell & treat w/ TSST |
TSS | TSST, Toxic-Shock Syndrome Toxin |
TTX | Tetanus Toxoid treated |
UCT | Urine cartridge |
ULQ | Upper Left Quadrant |
UMB | Placenta cord slice |
UNK | Unknown Sub A/D |
UNT | Untreated / Unstimulated |
URE | Urea |
URQ | Upper Right Quadrant |
VCS | Cervicovaginal Secretions |
VIB | Veal Infusion Broth |
VIR | Virus |
VPS | VP Stimulator |
VPT | VP Target |
VTM | Viral Transport Media |
ZLN | Ziehl Neelsen |