HIV DNA PCR (Roche Amplicor Detect)

This section lists the DNA PCR censor codes available for the Roche Amplicor Detect assay in LDMS.

Code Description Validity Numeric Value
A 0 control not negative Invalid 1
B 10 control not positive Invalid 10
C 20 control not positive Invalid 100
D 20 control OD < 2.000 Invalid 1,000
E VQA blinded control invalid Invalid 10,000
F Previous runs invalid - assay locked Descriptive only 100,000
G Converted from RLMP - Contamination Invalid 0.010000
H Converted from RLMP - Clotted Invalid 1 × 1010
L Converted from RLMP - Missing well Invalid 0.100000
M Converted from RLMP - Out of range controls Invalid 1,000,000
N Converted from RLMP - Lipemia Invalid 10,000,000
O Converted from RLMP - Lab error Invalid 1 × 1012
P Converted from RLMP - Equipment failure Invalid 0.001000
Q Converted from RLMP - QNS Invalid 1 × 1013
R Re-read Valid Run 100,000,000
T Converted from RLMP - Prerequisite test failed Invalid 1 × 1011
U Converted from RLMP - Unable to calculate Invalid 1,000,000,000
W Converted from RLMP - Material didn’t amplify Invalid 1 × 1014
Y Converted from RLMP - No description available Invalid 1 × 1015