
LDMS supports different 2D barcode formats on labels. The barcode (if present) always appears first on the label, and contains the global specimen ID.

Barcode readers can be used in many different places in LDMS to scan a barcode and quickly do something with a specimen:

Barcode functions in LDMS

Specimen Management

Scanning a barcode in LDMS Specimen Management will jump to the records associated with that Global Specimen ID.


Scanning on the Bulk Add tab will select the specimen for storage; scanning on the Main View tab will bring up that specimen's storage location.


Scanning on the Setup Shipment tab will add the specimen to a shipping batch; scanning on the QA/QC tab will mark that specimen as PASSED of FAILED, depending on whether or not the global specimen ID matches.


Scanning on the Assay Selection tab will add the specimen to the Specimens Found list.

To set the default barcode reader for LDMS, go to Administration > System Configuration and change to the Configuration tab. Look for the Barcode Reader option. For most hardware, the Code Reader option should suffice.


Here are a few tips for using barcode readers with LDMS:

  • Hold the scanner four to six inches away from the barcode

  • Don't scan at a 90 degree angle

  • If a barcode doesn't scan, let go of the trigger before trying to read it again

  • Verify that a barcode scans before storing or shipping the specimen

If you need assistance getting a barcode reader to work, contact LDMS User Support.