Immunology Reports
- Advanced Flow Codes
This report provides the user with a printable report that lists the various codes that would be used with the Advanced Flow assay in the LDMS. These codes include Anchor Gates, Color Codes, and Subset Marker Codes.
- LPA Stimulant Codes
This report provides the user with a printable report that lists the LPA Stimulant codes and descriptions that would be used with the LPA assay in the LDMS.
- Apoptosis by P.I. Summary Report
This report provides the user with a summary of which samples have Apoptosis by P.I. results completed. These results are grouped by group/ID2.
- IQA Cryopreservation Summary Report
This report provides the user with a summary of which samples have IQA Cryopreservation Assay results completed as well as a viral load. These results are grouped by group/ID2.
- Advanced Flow/Tunel Summary Report
This report provides the user with a summary of which samples have Advanced Flow or TUNEL results completed. It also provides if results were obtained as well as the test that was completed on the sample. These results are grouped by group/ID2.
- LPA Summary Report
This report provides the user with a summary of which samples have LPA Assay results completed. These results are grouped by group/ID2.
- NK Summary Report
This report provides the user with a summary of which samples have NK Assay results completed. These results are grouped by group/ID2.
- Advanced Flow Hardcoding Report
This report provides the user with a summary of the various anchors, markers, and colors that are associated with a given protocol/ID2. These fields were predetermined by the study and what was expected for the study.
- Blank Advanced Flow Patient Report
This report provides the user with a blank sheet that can be printed out that has all the necessary fields for a given study with the appropriate hardcoded fields already completed. The user can print this out and complete for each patient on the given study.
- LPA Check Report
This report provides the user with a summary of the results for any completed LPA Assay. The report is broken down on a specimen basis for the user to review.
- Advanced Flow Count By Protocol
This report provides the user with a simple count of how many Advanced flow assays have been completed for a given group/ID2. This report would be helpful to the user to track work flow within the lab.
- LPA Count By Protocol
This report provides the user with a simple count of how many LPA assays have been completed for a given group/ID2. This report would be helpful to the user to track work flow within the lab.
- Advanced Flow Check Report
This report provides the user with a summary of the results for any completed Advanced Flow Assay. The report is broken down on a specimen basis for the user to review.