RPID Reports

Random PID Report

This report provides the user with the linking between the actual PID and the RPID for a particular specimen. This report would be useful for a user to have a summary of the confidential linking in one place.

RPID Specimen Request

This report provides lab 223 with a mapping of specimens from a submitted specimen request that would be dropped down to the labs tableset and provides the location of the specimens after the RPID program randomizes the information within the request.

Lab 223 RPID Oracle Merge Report

This report is designed strictly for lab 223 with the use of their local oracle database that is used to track details about the DNA extraction for the RPID samples. The data within this database is loaded into a temp table and merged with the specimens in the LDMS via the Other Specimen ID field and the sample number held within the oracle table.

Specimens Not Arrived

This report provides lab 223 with a list of specimens that were expected to be sent to lab 223 (based on a table request that is dropped to their lab) but have yet to arrive at the lab.

Lab 223 - LDMS to Oracle Mapping

This report provides the linking of the different Other Specimen ID’s in the LDMS to their associated RPID based on local LDMS and lab 223’s separate Oracle database.

Lab 223 Oracle to LDMS Mapping

This report provides the linking of the different codes that are held within lab 223’s separate Oracle database to the associated fields in the LDMS. This provides the user with a sample and code from their separate Oracle database, and compares it to the currently linked Other Spec ID, and the associated RPID value.

Discrepancy Report

This report provides the linking of a Specimen ID and Other Specimen ID for a sample before importing through the RPID program and the corresponding Specimen ID and other Specimen ID after the sample has been moved through the RPID program. This report is only available for lab 223.

Specimens for a given Other Spec ID

This report provides a list of Other Specimen ID’s and their linking to their associated received Specimens. The report also provides the specimen type, as well as the receiving information.