Shipping file with an incorrect shipment date

When you create an LDMS Shipping File, LDMS will set the shipping date for the specimens to the current date. This date will be reflected in the shipping file and only shipping paper work generated by LDMS. If a shipment is created in LDMS and not shipped on the same day, the shipment date in the LDMS Shipping File and on paper work will not be correct.


To prevent shipping date errors from occurring, be sure to create the LDMS shipping file on the day the shipment is going to be sent.

If the correct shipment date is today’s date and the sending laboratory has a copy of the original shipping file, they can correct the error on their own. Un-ship the batch in LDMS, and then create a new shipping file. The shipment date will be updated to reflect the current date. If the laboratory does not have the original shipping file, they will need to contact LDMS User Support for a challenge password.

If the correct shipping date is a date in the past or if the sending laboratory no longer has the LDMS shipping file, the sending laboratory cannot correct the error on their own. They will need contact LDMS User Support for further assistance.