Finding Specimens to Ship
If you want to individually select specimens to ship (as opposed to shipping a container from storage), there are a few ways to do it:
Use a text file containing a list of global specimen IDs
Use the search features on the Setup Shipment tab
Use the extended search feature on the Setup Shipment tab
Scan them with a barcode reader
Figure: Selecting individual specimens to ship. The Setup Shipment tab. The selected specimens are those that will be added to the shipping file. Specimens in red are marked as never store.

Finding specimens for shipment on the Setup Shipment tab
Select Government if you want to ship specimens from a built-in government group or select Internal to ship specimens from an internal group at your laboratory.
Note:You cannot ship government and custom-group specimens together in the same shipping file. If you need to ship both government and internal groups, you will need to create two separate shipping batches.
Select a group from the Group drop-down list (simply selecting it adds it to the criteria to be searched; the group won't appear in the list of search criteria on the right though).
Select a Type (i.e., field) and an ID (i.e., value), and then click the arrow button to the right to add it to the list of search criteria.
Note: The Import Specimens button can be used to import lists of Global Specimen IDs, Specimen IDs, or Other Specimen IDs into LDMS. -
After adding all desired search criteria, click the
button from the LDMS toolbar. This will bring up all the aliquots found that meet your criteria. -
Click individual aliquots to select them and add them to the shipment. Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys to select multiple aliquots.
If you change the search criteria to something more narrow and then click the
button again, you'll notice that aliquots that don't meet your new criteria are still displayed. This is because the search results are concatenated together. What you need to do is click the button, which will clear your previous search results, and then click the button again. Don't click the button on the LDMS toolbar; that will actually clear your search and all the criteria, taking you back to the beginning.If you need more refined searching (such as using AND/OR logic) you can use the Extended Search feature, which is accessed by clicking the button on the LDMS toolbar. This works the same way as it does in LDMS Specimen Management .