Correcting specimen information (other than ID1)
When an error occurs to information other than ID1, groups generally allow corrections. This would include things such as fixing an incorrect specimen date or a specimen type code. If the specimens have been shipped to another laboratory, both laboratories will need to make the changes.
Using Specimen Management or Patient Management, find the specimen(s) or enrollments that were entered incorrectly. Correct the data that was entered incorrectly. For aliquots that were affected by the change, open the details window and explain what was changed in the comments fields. To make the change as transparent as possible, the following information in comments is strongly encouraged:
Field that was changed and its original value
Who made the change
When the change was made
Why the change was made
If the comment was added it a primary, it must be cascaded to all aliquots from the primary. The reason the comment must be added to aliquots is because only aliquot comments will appear on shipping manifests. In addition to this, if the data is exported to Frontier Science, only aliquot comments will be exported. Once these changes have been made, click the
button from the LDMS toolbar.Example aliquot comment to document a data change
Aliquot volume changed from 1 mL to 10mL. This was a data entry error; the specimen has been verified to be 10mL. – Dr Doe, 17-Jan-2014
Upon Saving, LDMS will automatically ask if you would like to re-print labels. Depending on the label that was originally used and the data that was corrected, the labels on the specimens may now have inaccurate information. Laboratories may, at their discretion, re-print and re-label the modified specimens.
If the specimens have been shipped, both the sending and receiving laboratories would need to make the correction—the correction will not be synchronized across laboratories for shipped specimens.
The specimen ID (but not the global specimen ID) can be manually specified. You might want to do this if you deleted a primary and want to re-enter it using the same specimen ID. Click Enter Specimen ID before you click Add to add a primary. You won't see your entry immediately, but when you click Add to add the primary, it will be assigned the specimen ID that you entered. Once a specimen ID has been assigned, it cannot be manually changed again.